In breve, è la simulazione di un incontro di allenamento tra atleti di arti marziali.
Lo scontro avviene su una specie di ponte, lungo 17 assi. Ogni giocatore pesca 5 carte da un mazzo composto da 25 carte, numerate da 1 a 5.
A lot 'of days ago I came across, thanks to Paradroide , in this wonderful game, Flash Duels, which I did
review for
In short, is the simulation of a fighting between athletes training in martial arts.
The clash takes on a kind of bridge along 17 axes. Each player draws 5 cards from a deck consisting of 25 cards, numbered from 1 to 5.

In short, is the simulation of a fighting between athletes training in martial arts.
The clash takes on a kind of bridge along 17 axes. Each player draws 5 cards from a deck consisting of 25 cards, numbered from 1 to 5.
Muovere: carta una carta e si muove di tante assi quanto è il valore della carta scartata.
Attaccare: se l'avversario è entro 5 assi di distanza può scartare una o più carte con l'esatto valore della distanza che lo separa dall'avversario. L'avversario può parare il colpo scartando lo stesso numero di carte, con lo stesso valore.
Affondare: questa mossa combina le due precedenti, infatti prima si scarta una carta per muovere, poi si esegue un attacco come illustrato in precedenza. Grossa differenza è che l'avversario oltre a bloccare ha l' opzione di ritirarsi, basta scartare una carta e arretrare di tante caselle. Se si arretra, però, si perde, di fatto, il turno successivo.
In his turn the player can do one of these three steps:
Move: discard a card and moves many step as the value of the discarded card.
Attack: If the opponent is within 5 step distance may discard one or more cards with the exact value of the distance that separates it from the opponent. The opponent can parry the blow by discarding the same number of cards with the same value.
Dashing Strike: This move combines the previous two, in fact you discard a card to move, then make an attack as described above. Big difference is that in addition to blocking the opponent has the 'option to withdraw, simply discard one card and back of that number of squares. If it withdraws, however, the next round he must passing (do nothing).

Move: discard a card and moves many step as the value of the discarded card.
Attack: If the opponent is within 5 step distance may discard one or more cards with the exact value of the distance that separates it from the opponent. The opponent can parry the blow by discarding the same number of cards with the same value.
Dashing Strike: This move combines the previous two, in fact you discard a card to move, then make an attack as described above. Big difference is that in addition to blocking the opponent has the 'option to withdraw, simply discard one card and back of that number of squares. If it withdraws, however, the next round he must passing (do nothing).

Il gioco scorre benissimo, nel tempo che avete messo a leggere questo probabilmente ci avete già fatto un paio di partite... e scusate se è poco.
Decisamente un gioco da provare , la versione print and play costa solo 8 dollari, soldi spesi bene!
To all this we add the characters. Each player guides a character, and each has three special abilities. Significant number of people, as many as 20 for a total of 60 different special abilities.
The game runs very well, in the time that you finished reading this you probably have already done a couple of games....
Definitely a game to try, print and play version costs only $8, money well spent!

The game runs very well, in the time that you finished reading this you probably have already done a couple of games....
Definitely a game to try, print and play version costs only $8, money well spent!
Sembra carino... ehehe